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Why you should start digital prototyping immediatley

You might have heard people say you need to start your project with paper prototyping. Creating a paper prototype and testing this prototype might be useful for certain games, like board games or card games. However, if u want to create a digital game you want to start digital prototyping as soon as possible. Testing your game in paper form could yield different results and you might end up changing mechanics or the core of your design because it didn't work in paper form. However, it might still work fine if you went and made a digital version.

With Probuilder you can create a digital version within a matter of days or perhaps 2 weeks maximum. Depending on how big your game will be and how elaborate your mechanics will be. Once you have created your quick blockout you can then start testing and adapting your level on the results. And with Probuilder you can make changes fast. Because of this you can get a lot of testing done in the early phase of your project.

By using this method you won't spend months on your project and then realising some mechanics don't work. Or some parts of the level aren't fun to play. However, by getting the feedback so early you can already start making changes and not waste your time. Testing early and getting feedback can also help you stay motivated.

Digital prototyping:
Blaze Lightcap | Level Design on Twitter: "I hope Liam doesn't ...

Paper prototyping:
Game Paper Prototype - The Secret of the Funfair - YouTube
