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Challenge 3: Communicating Through Probuilder

We have created more elaborate models and people should start to recognizing a certain art style or theme. Creating models that can communicate the narrative or time of your game can help a lot. Even though we are still in the beginning of the project we can still communicate our theme without even having an artist create anything. My project Tigris Templum is all about creating an environment that is still in its basic form, yet can communicate what the game is about and during what time it happens. I can do this because I can create simple blockouts with a defined style.

Tigris Templum is a game during the Roman empire era. So I use a lot of Roman styled buildings with their iconic pillars. With this art style I could keep it rather simple and still give all my players the feeling as if they are in a Roman camp. Someone even said it reminded them of their vacation to Rome and reminded them of archeology.

I will show you a couple of examples from Tigris Templum.

The aqueduct and pillar are very iconic for the Roman times. Since these are so iconic I can use them to communicate the theme of my game very well.

The Challenge:
My challenge for you is to create a model that can communicate the theme of your model. You can create a new model or you can keep working on the models from the previous challenges.


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