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What is Probuilder?

So what is Probuilder?

You might have heard of it before. However, if you have never heard of Probuilder don't worry. I will tell you what it is used for. This tutorial is for anyone that is interested in using Probuilder or if you are interested in speeding up the proces of your projects.

So Probuilder. Probuilder is a tool that can create simple geometric shapes. Just like you can spawn a cube through Unity you can also do this through Probuilder. Now you might think well if I can spawn cubes through both methods why would I need Probuilder?

Let me tell you why:
Cubes are not the only shapes you can spawn. You can also create prisms, pipes, cylinders, arches and even stairs. The added value of creating these objects with Probuilder is that you can edit them. You can create your own 3D models without having to learn Maya or other 3D modelling software.

Now you can stay with the basic shapes and already create a level with simple stairs to create elevation. However, with editing the shapes you can create more believable models that give off a different feeling. That way we as designers can create a simple world/level in a matter of days and start testing our project

This is an example of a blacksmith from my project. First I started of with simple blocks just so that I could get a sense of height. After that I try to find some inspiration on the internet. Every object you see in the second model was made using Probuilder. Even the anvils.

So as you can see you can create rather complex models already with just Probuilder. No need for any modelling software yet. You might think why would I use this as an artist when I can just go straight into modelling. With Probuilder you can create the models you want and keep them rather basic without going into any details yet. Then you can create the setting for your environment and see for yourself how it looks in the basic form. That way you don't have to waste hours on a beautiful model that you will not use in the end. And you can even export your Probuilder models as a FBX file. Then you can import it into the software of your choice and start creating a more complex model.

Lastly you might be a developer and wonder why you should ever need Probuilder. Maybe you have always wanted to create your own levels to test out things, but you didn't know where to start. With Probuilder you can quickly create small levels and test. Perhaps you have always wanted to create a hook shot mechanic. With Probuilder you can quickly create a chasm and a wooden pole and test your mechanic.

Here you can find a link from Brackeys that will explain the basics of Probuilder:


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