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How Probuilder will improve your project

So we talked about what Probuilder actually is and why u should start digital prototyping from the start. However, let's talk more about the added value of Probuilder and how using it will improve your projects. This post will be a bit shorter since I already talked about a couple of things that will improve your project.

Like I mentioned before using Probuilder in your projects can speed up the development process. Thanks to the fact that you can easily build your level in its basic form and from there you make it more elaborate. However, during this time while you make it more elaborate you can already start testing the basic form. You can ask people how to size of everything feels and depending on what type of game it is you can even test mechanics already.

Here is a great example of a very simple blockout for a zombie shooter:
🅹🅱 Twitterissä: "Outside layout with zombi in my abandoned city ...

All of the shapes you can take cover behind are still simple blocks as well as the buildings surrounding the area. However, you can already test this example because everything you need is already there.

Now from this example you would test and since it is still in its basic form you can easily change things that don't work. Perhaps a certain cover doesn't work. Or maybe the spawnpoint for the zombies should be in a different spot. Since we are still in the early phase of the project you will get a lot of information which you can take to your advantage to change things around. And you would have saved a lot of time later when things get more complicated.

This way you can startout with a strong base for your project.


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